So this is it… my very last blog for the University of
Greenwich! It only feels like yesterday I was accepted onto the course through
clearing and was moving into halls, with practically most of my bedroom shoved
into my parent’s car, not knowing what university will have in store for me!
And now…three years later… I’ve only gone and graduated with a First in BSc
(Hons) Biomedical Science haven’t I! How time flies I just cannot believe!

I’ve had a fantastic three years here at the University of
Greenwich! I have met a lot of lovely people not only from my course but the
other courses on the Medway campus too, the societies I have been involved in
and the Enquiry Unit where I have worked. I truly believe studying here has
given me a strong foundation in science which I can use to work towards
achieving my ambition of becoming a doctor in the future. And I can definitely
say I really am going to miss everything about Greenwich L.