So after working very hard on my Cervical Cancer essay for
over two weeks, I managed to finish it well in advance of the deadline for the
first time everrrrr!!!But don't ask me why I didn't do what I'm about to tell
you, but I left it 'til the very last minute to check the plagiarism of my work
on 'Turn it in' and hand it into the coursework hand-in room! (I
wasn't my cleverest of moments!)
About 2 hours before the deadline, I logged
onto the university website (Moodle), thinking the plagiarism check will take
at the most 5 minutes and then I can make the necessary alterations and hand my
work in, when suddenly the website crashed!!! My friends and I were all sweating
in the library...worried we were going to miss the deadline, when finally the
website started working again an hour later. But little did I know....that
wasn't the end of my troubles that morning!
My plagiarism was pretty low so feeling happy I didn't need
to make any alterations to my work I went to print my coursework out... and
this is when things just got worse! First the ink had run out in the printer
that was connected to my computer... after 10 minutes running around the
Library trying to find a free computer (and this is the Medway library...the
longest library in EUROPE I am talking not being able to find a free
computer easily just shows how annoyingly overcrowded it was that day), I
finally managed to log onto a free computer! But this particular computer hadn't
been connected to a printer for some reason! With less than 15 minutes to go...
I managed to get one of the library technicians to sort the problem out and get
my coursework printed! I ran as fast as I could to the coursework hand in
room...but ended up waiting a while in a lonngggggg queue leading to it.
After all the problems I faced that morning just to hand in
a piece of coursework I had actually completed well in advance of the deadline,
you'll be pleased to know I managed to hand it in with just one minute to
spare! Phew!!! So what is the moral of
Apart from that very eventful morning, the rest of the month
has run pretty smoothly. The timetable for the summer exams are out and I'm so
happy that my three exams are evenly spaced out this year unlike last year. I
have been attending lectures as usual, completing various pieces of coursework
and working on my final year project (which I was soooooo pleased to find
out is now due on the 14th of April
instead of a much earlier date!) So far I have handed in a draft copy of my
introduction to my supervisor and finished my methods and results section. My
target this week is to complete the discussion.
Ohh and I did go to the Hindu Society's Dinner and Dance
Event I mentioned in my last blog. Although the food wasn't so great, the music
and dance performances were amazing! And everyone made a real effort to dress
up in their cultural clothes which was really nice to see! :)