Last week was moving- in weekend, so just like all the other students, I did some
last minute shopping, packed my
suitcases and headed off to Medway. As always, the Resident Assistants at the
university were very welcoming and helped us with the moving in process. Seeing
all the first year students, some I must admit who seemed very nervous...others
more excited, with their parents by their side and a car full of what must have
been everything they possibly owned,
really did bring back memories of my first moving-in weekend! I was really
lucky this year because I was able to choose the flat/room I wanted and who I
wanted to share the flat with! And after spending a long time thoroughly cleaning
my room and unpacking, I can now say I have officially put my stamp onto the
place and finally settled in!
Induction day was last Friday and
we were informed of everything wonderful (that was case some of you
didn't realise) in store for us this year! The timetable seems to be much more
relaxed this year- I have a 9am-12pm lecture on Medical Microbiology and a
2pm-4pm lecture on Medical Biochemistry on Mondays and then a 1pm-4pm lecture
on Cancer Biology on Thursdays- although I'm sure our arch nemesis... THE FINAL
YEAR PROJECT... will pretty much take up the rest of the week. I have been
assigned a lab based project on Biochemistry so I can't wait to get started on
that! And as for coursework this year, well we've been hit with them already...
our first piece of coursework is due in just over a week's time...I better get
started on that soon!
So to end... for those of you who
are in the same boat as I am, I'd just
like to share a few pearls of wisdoms I've been advised of by several members of
staff at the family...friends...pretty much everyone I know who
have completed their degree... " The third year is by far the most
intense, difficult and important year of your entire degree. Take it seriously.
Manage your time well. Keep on top of all your work (especially your final year
project). And don't leave things until the last minute!" ( Is anyone else
as scared as I am right now?)
Good Luck Guys!
And I almost forgot to
mention...Team April came a respectable second place in the 'Theme your Team'
competition...if only if it wasn't for Team Spencer who stole the glory of
first place from us! ;)